aklab.controlunit module
Tools to read logger data from plasma control unit https://github.com/queezz/ControlUnit
class aklab.controlunit.Raspi(bpath='', timestamp='')[source]
Bases: object
Convert analogue signals.
load_data() → int[source]
load data
Plot time traces for all signals.
- Keyword Arguments
lims (list) – default lims = [[5e-8, 2e-6], [-0.2, 2.5], [0, 350]]
Insert columns with converted signals into self.adc
Extract time stamp from adc or tc csv file name
- Parameters
filename (string) – basename of a Raspi logger file, ADC or TC
aklab.controlunit.plot_raspi_batch(ts=[], bpth='.', out='batch_raspi_plot.pdf', **kws)[source]
Plot Control Unit data for a list of files or a dir.
- Parameters
ts (list) – list of timestamps to plot
bpth (string) – path to data folder
out (string) – ouptupt file name or path
from datetime.timedelta calculate
days, hours ans minuts, return formatted string