aklab.mpls module#

Convinience function for Matplotlib

class aklab.mpls.Multiple(denominator=2, number=3.141592653589793, latex='\\pi')[source]#

Bases: object

Matplotlib formatter

aklab.mpls.complex_mesh(shape, xlim, ylim)[source]#

Generate complex meshgrid. Useful for complex function plots and for genera 3D plots.

  • shape (array like) – shape = (nx,ny)

  • xlim (array like) – limits for real coordinate

  • ylim (array like) – limits for imaginary coordintae

Return type

float X and complex Y meshgrids.

aklab.mpls.figprep(width=246, subplots=[1, 1], dpi=100, **kws)[source]#

Create matplotlib figure with given width in points

  • width (float) – figure width in points

  • subplots (aray-like) – [1,1] by default. The number of rows and columns.

  • dpi (int) – figure dpi, useflu to adjust JupyterLab figure size


(fig, axs), matplotlib.pylab.subplots

Return type



font and tick settings used by Ishihara-kun

aklab.mpls.font_setup(size=13, weight='normal', family='serif', color='None', fontname='Sans')[source]#

Set-up font for matplotlib using rc, see https://matplotlib.org/stable/tutorials/text/text_props.html specific for family fontnames: [‘Sans’ | ‘Courier’ | ‘Helvetica’ …]

  • family (string) – [ ‘serif’ | ‘sans-serif’ | ‘cursive’ | ‘fantasy’ | ‘monospace’ ]

  • weight (string) – [ ‘normal’ | ‘bold’ | ‘heavy’ | ‘light’ | ‘ultrabold’ | ‘ultralight’]

  • size (float) – 18 by default

  • color (string) – any matplotlib color

aklab.mpls.grid_visual(ax, alpha=[0.1, 0.3])[source]#

Sets grid on and adjusts the grid style.

  • ax (matplotlib.pylab.axes) – Axes where the grid will be displayed.

  • alpha (array-like) – alpha = [minor alpha, major alpha] - transparancy of grid lines


Apply ticks_visual and grid_visual to the active pylab axes.

aklab.mpls.hand(minute, hours=0, l=2, o=0, angle=0.06544984694978735, hour=False, **kws)[source]#

Draw clock hand

aklab.mpls.ltexp(val, decplace=1, short=False)[source]#
Converts float to the scientific notation LaTeX string,

\(1.23e31 \rightarrow 1.23\times 10^{31}\)

  • val (float) – number to convert

  • decplace (int) – number of decimal places to display in the pre-exponent

  • short (bool) – if True, only shows exponent part

aklab.mpls.multiple_formatter(denominator=2, number=3.141592653589793, latex='\\pi')[source]#

Formatter with letters, multiple of pi

aklab.mpls.plot_circ(r=1, o=0j, **kws)[source]#

Plot a circle.

  • r (float) – radius

  • o (complex) – origin

  • kws (dict) – keyword arguments for matplotlib.pyplot.plot

aklab.mpls.plot_clock_face(r=2, o=0, fontsize=10)[source]#

Plot clock face

aklab.mpls.plot_color_gradients(category, cmap_list)[source]#

Create figure and adjust figure height to number of colormaps Modified from https://matplotlib.org/stable/tutorials/colors/colormaps.html


Calculate vertices for an n-gone, inscirbed in a unit circle. First vertice at 1.


Reset color cycle

aklab.mpls.set_size(width, fraction=1, subplots=(1, 1), ratio='golden')[source]#

Set figure dimensions to avoid scaling in LaTeX.

  • width (float or string) – Document width in points, or string of predined document type

  • fraction (float, optional) – Fraction of the width which you wish the figure to occupy

  • subplots (array-like, optional) – The number of rows and columns of subplots.

  • ratio (float or string.) – ratio = fig_hight_pt/fig_width_pt. If ‘golden’ equals to golden ratio


fig_dim – Dimensions of figure in inches

Return type


aklab.mpls.set_tick_size(ax, size)[source]#

Set matplotlib axis tick sizes For some reason the length from style is ignored.

  • ax (matplotlib.pylab.axes) – axes for adjustment

  • size (array-like) – size = [width_major, length_major, width_minor, length_minor]

aklab.mpls.show_analog_time(hours, minutes, r=2, c='C0', o=0, fontsize=10)[source]#

Draw a clock with two hands


Ishihara’s ticks

aklab.mpls.ticks_visual(ax, size=[7, 4, 1, 0.8], which='both')[source]#

Makes auto minor and major ticks for matplotlib figure and adjusts ticks sizes.

  • ax (matplotlib.pylab.axes) – axes

  • size (array-like) – size = [l1,l2,w1,w2] length and width for major (1) and minor (2) ticks

  • which (string) – which = [‘x’| ‘y’ | ‘both’] - set auto minor locator

aklab.mpls.vec(a, b, **kws)[source]#

Draw a vector from point a to point b. Uses complex numbers.

  • a (complex) – start and end for the vector.

  • b (complex) – start and end for the vector.

  • kws (dict) – keyword arguments for matplotlib.pyplot.plot